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August 16, 2021 4 min read

Whether you believe it or not, some flowers bloom at night, and they are equally beautiful and palpable as the daytime blooming flowers are. Moon gardens are ideal for people who work during the day and lose out on seeing their day flowers blossom. Imagine sitting outside on a rainy evening, enjoying your lovely garden lighted up by these magnificent blooms.

Night-blooming flowers may reflect the moonlight, offer color for your visitors to enjoy, and are typically more fragrant than day blooming flowers. Night-blooming flowers tend to be more fragrant because they must attract nocturnal pollinators who must locate them in the dark. This is another reason why most night bloomers have white blooms that reflect light and are more noticeable at night.

You may appreciate your garden just as much at night as you do during the day by planting at least a few nights blooming plants. Inhale the aroma, keep an eye out for butterflies and hummingbirds late into the evening, and enjoy colorful splashes throughout the night.

Here are some spectacular night flowers discussed here by woodflowers.com that would be perfect in your moon garden:

1.    Gardenia Augusta:

First, the shrub Gardenia Augusta, which may be found in mild temperate and subtropical climates, is the most fragrant of all blooms. The thick, glossy dark green foliage, as well as the lovely white flowers, make an excellent addition to your stoup.

It has a pleasant scent during the day, but the aroma will begin to fill your house more dramatically around night.

2.    Night Phlox

The term "midnight candy" for night phlox is more than a play on words. It refers to the delicious smell produced by this night-blooming flower. Night phlox offers both scent and color in pink, white, and purple, making it ideal for a nighttime fragrance garden or a moon garden. Some even have a reddish-maroon tint to them. Night phlox is an annual boom that thrives in pots or flowerbeds and attracts butterflies, bees, and birds.

Once established, night phlox grows best in full sun or light shade and is drought resistant also. The honey-almond-vanilla scent is a lovely addition to a night garden, especially for entertaining in the summer and fall when they are in full bloom.

3.    Evening Primrose

Evening primrose has delicious yellow blooms and is widely distributed across the United States. This wildflower, native to North America, blooms at night from May to July and is believed to have a range of therapeutic benefits.

If you enjoy bright colors, the Evening Primrose family is a must-see. The lemon-scented perfume of these exquisite bowl-shaped blooms is tough to resist swooning over! They're also available in enticing white and pink hues.

4.    Night-Blooming Jasmine:

Night-blooming jasmine belongs to the Solanaceae family, which means it's nightshade and not the jasmine you're used to seeing in your yard. This night-blooming flower features white flowers with green undertones and a powerful scent that is strongest at night. Night-blooming jasmine is an evergreen plant that provides aesthetic appeal to your night garden all year. It is a fast-growing plant that is even considered a weed in some areas.

The beautiful aroma makes this an ideal choice for growing near outdoor living spaces, but be alert, and don't forget that all members of the Solanaceae family are poisonous. The powerful perfume has been known to irritate certain people with respiratory problems like asthma.

5.    Moonflower:

Moonflower is a flower that is both aromatic and exotic. Its enormous, white trumpet-shaped blooms open at night and reflect the light of the moon. While many moonflower types have an enticing lemon fragrance, they are toxic and should be kept away from locations where children and dogs play.

The all-rounder, on the other hand, must go to the Moonflower. It's towering, muscular, colorful, and wonderful all at the same time. They are successfully cultivated as annuals, which mean that their inexplicable yet magnificent incense will be your companion no matter how chilly your location is. Climbing vines support these tropical white morning glories, which can reach a height of 12 feet.

6.    Night Gladiolus:

Night gladiolus blooms from late spring to mid-summer and may reach a height of four feet. It grows well in coastal and near-coastal California, although it is not drought-hardy and has to be watered often. They need well-draining soil and full sun, so if you have clay soil as we have in your area, add compost before planting corms.

If you wish to enjoy the spicy scent of these light-yellow blooms that bloom at night, make sure to put them somewhere visible but out of reach of dogs and children since this is another toxic plant that should be kept away from little hands.

7.    Casa Blanca Lily:

Like other lilies, the Casa Blanca flower makes a striking statement in the landscape. It blooms for a long time and tolerates a wide range of soil types and circumstances. The Casa Blanca cultivar is unique in that it blooms in the evening, with pure white blossoms reflecting moonlight for a wonderfully stunning garden.

8.    Four O'Clocks:

Four o'clock are an old-fashioned favorite that blooms from dark until dawn. They come in a wide range of hues, from yellows to purples to stripes, and are easy to grow from seed, reaching two to three feet. Enjoy these annuals from July until frost, or expect them to return year after year if you live in a milder winter environment.

9.    Tuberose:

Tuberose is most known for being used in fragrances, so it's an excellent choice if you're searching for a night-blooming flower with a rich, welcoming scent. This perennial plant quickly grows from bulbs, likes full sun and warmer regions, and blooms mid-to-late summer with clusters of white flowers on a tall spike. The white colors will reflect the moonlight in your night garden, or you may cut them for bouquets or floral arrangements.

Tuberose may be grown in flowerbeds and borders, but it also thrives in giant flowerpots, bringing this fragrant option even closer to your outdoor gathering spaces.


All these night-blooming flowers are gorgeous, elegant, and scented. Their beauty attracts many brides to add these blooms as their wedding floral. It is not possible to have these natural flowers in your wedding preparations, but you can get their sola wood duplicates to enjoy their divine beauty.

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