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June 04, 2020 3 min read

Sola wood flowers have been one of the amazing things that people have been doing for very long. But, currently, the trend has evolved in a whole new way. This means that these flowers are now made with the most amazing patterns and designs. They are demanded by people more than ever before. Further, if we talk about sola wood flower bouquet, they are lovable in every way. currently, there is no way in which natural flowers can beat sola wood flowers. Yes, it's true. Sola wood flowers can be customized by adding on fragrances and colors in different ways. One of the most unique ideas lies under the fact that you can try to paint sola wood flowers by using latex paint. Does it feel difficult? It is not. If you are still wondering about how to dye sola wood flowers with latex paint, we will guide you without any issue. All you need is to stay consistent when you deal with these wood flowers. Above all, they are fine and delicate to carry, yet, they last longer than natural flowers. This is the greatest reason why these flowers dominate in the market. Here, in this blog, you will witness all sets of details about sola wood flower dye colors and we know that you will enjoy doing them. Trust us.

How to dye wood flowers

When it comes to dying wood flowers, people look very hesitant to initiate. Like every beginner, if you wonder how to dye wood flowers, it’s high time to learn. This is not that complicated. The most preferred type of paint these days is latex paint. As the name suggests that latex paints are polymer-based and are dirt and insect resistant. Although, sola wood flowers are not prone to insects, yet if anything happens, you will all be safe to figure out if you use latex paint. If you want to learn about how to dye sola wood flower with latex paint, follow the below mentioned key points and you will have easily become capable of making them.

  • Use an adequate amount of paint

This should not be like a heavy cote because latex paint itself is heavy.

  • Apply with soft brushes

You must apply the latex paint with soft brushes instead of hard ones because it will damage the flowers.

  • Perfect for long life

As you are applying the latex paint on your sola wood flower, you must know that it increases the life of your wood flowers. what else could be this amazing? Of course, nothing.

  • Give enough time to dry

Sola wood flowers once coated with latex paint, you must offer enough time to let it dry completely. Do not touch or disturb until the paint settles perfectly.

  • Add of the fragrance

When you are all done with painting your wood flowers, its time to add on the fragrance. You can try to use either of volatile oil or fixed oil and witness the magic spreading in the environment.


Sola wood flowers are perfect to be painted with latex dye. They absorb efficiently and retain the color for years. Further, there are other options as well but the way, latex paintwork, nothing can beat it. Trust us. Now, as you have learned how to dye wood flowers, try to do it by yourself this season and earn the benefits.

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