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December 07, 2020 4 min read

Why are flowers for weddings so expensive?

This is a question that is asked all the time, and it just hurts everyone.

Floral design is a trade, not a hobby, and florists do not see the word "marriage" and tack on the extra dollar signs immediately. There's a lot of effort going into making beautiful wedding flowers.

It is also true that everyone can put flowers in a vase and the result usually ends up looking good because flowers are naturally beautiful. There is, however, a distinction between placing flowers in a vase and designing flowers. A talented professional, high-quality product and lots of time and preparation are needed for genuinely pleasing floral design.

Here are ten phenomenal tips to maximize the floral budget for you:

7 Tips for maximizing your floral budget for wedding:

1.    Set standards:

Sadly, for most of us, there is a big divide between reality and Pinterest. Many of the Pinterest pictures are from inspiring photoshoots, where you find the props to create a phenomenal photoshoot. The suppliers provide everything to create a fake wedding.

These unreal weddings with unreal budgets have all the labor free from vendors for their publicity. There you find design items that are more over-the-top than typical weddings. Additionally, many pictures you find on Pinterest are the weddings where the budgets for flowers is around $20k.

Practical solution:

To arrange a floral designer for wedding, avoid getting inspirations from Pinterest, instead of its search to look at a florist's portfolio or online gallery. This should give you an idea of what kind of work for a real wedding you can expect from florists.

2.    Be clear about your priorities.

Do you wish to have a floral arbour? Or

Are you dreaming of a beautiful floral back wall?

Think about what's important to you, then if it is in your budget, prioritize it. Keep in mind about the necessary details and make your decision according to it.

  • What would be most photographed? (it is usually the couple themselves and the location of the ceremony)
  • Where the guests spend the most time? (Is it standing at cocktail tables or seated at dining tables?), 
  • What pictures after the wedding are you likely to get framed?

Practical solution:

After deciding your priorities, remove useless items from the list such as:

  • Aisle petals
  • Aisle markers
  • Extra arrangements for the bathrooms and bar

You can utilize bridesmaid bouquet for bar and bathrooms to add a budget for the prioritized items.

3.    Limited wedding party:

Significant wedding events rack up bills quickly not only for the floral cost but for every small and big detail. Just a single bridesmaid bouquet costs $80 – 100, and if you have ten bridesmaids, the budget will simply gear up.

Practical solution:

Reduce the size of your wedding to get more budgets for flowers. It is also good to repurpose bridesmaid bouquets as centerpieces for tables. Choose big bridesmaid bouquets and divide these bouquets to create more centerpieces.

4.    Believe in your wedding florist:

Encourage your florist to have creative freedom while using the same varieties of flowers. This artistic freedom will result in more beautiful and cost-effective results.

Practical solution:

Don't stick with specific flower choices and go for broader options for flowers and color palette. In case of having the strong desire of certain flower or colors than use sola wood flowers instead of real blooms. Sola wood flowers look very natural, realistic, and also have fantastic color options.

5.    Economical installations

Lush ceremony arbours and greenery hanging from chandeliers produces a massive visual effect and consume a significant portion of your budget. to accommodate them. These large installations quickly add up and require more labor, significant material to manufacture, and hours of on-site design. 

To design these parts right on the wedding day, additional people need to assist the planner’s on-site and additional requirement of working on tall ladders and lifts. It's completely worth all this effort for comprehensive installations, but it ends up adding more to the budget.

Practical solution:

To accommodate all these issues go with smaller, but well designed impressive installations.

Take things more practically and for large installations use wood flowers to reduce cost.

6.    Greenery is not necessary.

Greenery is less costly than flowers! Well, it is more a myth. It is not less to use greenery than roses. Unfortunately, bunches of pleasant greenery actually cost about the same amount as bunches of flowers. There is indeed some really cheap greenery to be had, but you won't get the look you're looking for with a centerpiece with so much of greenery and only a few blooms.

Practical solution:

If flowers can be substituted with greenery than there are tons of innovative ideas to replace greenery with other options for a non-floral centerpiece. You can use books, bottles, candles, birdcages, etc., to create non-floral centerpieces.

7.    Don't compromise exclusive bridal bouquet.

All floral arrangements are mainly for the single day, and you can make little compromises for such arrangements. Don't skimp on the bridal bouquet as it has more face time than other floral arrangements, and it is the most photographed element of the wedding. Invest a good amount of your floral wedding budget for the bridal bouquet and never go for a badly built bouquet with cheap fillers and a handful of unique blooms.

Practical option:

You can keep this bouquet with you for rest of life, press these flowers to preserve, or use some other special ways to preserve it. Choose in-season flowers for a bridal bouquet to reduce its cost or you can also use sola wood flower bridal bouquet instead of a real flower bouquet. Wood flowers are not only affordable but remain fresh and colorful for years.


All these ways are practical and allow you to save more money to invest in essential wedding requirements. Just follow these tips and maximize your floral budget to get impressive floral arrangements.

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