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January 18, 2021 4 min read

Viewing meadows, fields, slopes, and roadsides crammed with colorful arrays of blooming wildflowers is one of the most fascinating gifts of life. We not only appreciate the amazing beauty of wildflowers but we also seldom consider the marvelous natural mechanisms at work to repeat this show year after year.

Flowers that grow on their own, however, with none need for cultivation, are called wildflowers. These are overall a gorgeous plant, but what many of us do not know is that the wildflowers were not around when our planet developed. According to flower experts that educate us on unusual facts about plants, there are over 20,000 species of flowering plants in only North America alone, and these species belong to around 300 different families.

Annual wildflowers last for just a season and need to grow all new annually. Perennial wildflower plants last for several seasons but got to produce enough new plants from seed to take care of the population. The endless variations of wildflowers are so fascinating.

What makes wildflowers so special?

Wildflowers are built to grow on their own and most of them are indigenous to the continents that are called natives. It's normal, though, for several wildflowers to not be indigenous to the land. These are blooms equipped to grow on their own, but they will be introduced to other parts of the planet and termed as naturalized wildflowers.

Wildflowers are part of an overall gorgeous plant, but what most of the people do not know is that these wildflowers were not around when our planet developed.

Benefits of wildflowers:

There are many benefits of wildflowers that enhance their importance in the eco-system of our planet – THE EARTH. Some of these benefits are mentioned below:

  • A habitat rich with wildflowers supports insects and other wildlife. Many gardeners know this fact that insects and other animals can help within the fight against crop pests (animals and insects that damage crops and plants). This suggests that farmers may need to rely even more heavily on pesticides if these 'good' animals and insects cannot help.
  • Wildflowers provide so much for insects: food within the sort of leaves, nectar and pollen, also shelter and places to breed. In return to this insects help in the process of pollination for these wildflowers and enable them to develop seeds and spread to grow in other places. The insects themselves are eaten by birds, bats, amphibians, reptiles and little mammals, all of whom contribute to the cycle of life. During winter when there's less food available, wildflower seeds also can be a crucial food source for birds and little mammals.
  • Wildflowers also can be really helpful to keep the soil healthy. When these flowers become established and spread their roots, they stabilize the encompassing soil. Wildflowers also contribute to scientific and medical research.

Facts about wildflowers:

Here are few fun facts from woodflowers.com about these humbled blooms.

  1. Archaefructus Sinensis is the oldest flowers of this world that was discovered in 2002 in China. It was a flower bloomed around 125 million years ago and it looked like a water lily bloom of modern times.
  2. You will amaze to know that white flowers give off a stronger scent than their colorful relatives.
  3. In 17th-century tulip bulbs were more expensive and valuable than gold in Holland and they were considered as the symbol of life, love, and immortality.
  4. Rose oil is an essential oil that is extracted from petals of a few particular roses and it is used for aromatherapy; reduce anxiety, improving overall skin health and much more. The interesting thing about this rose oil is that at least two thousand roses are required to produce only one gram of rose oil.
  5. The Rafflesia Arnoldii is the world’s largest flower that can be weighed in or more than 24 pounds and up to three feet in diameter. Rather than its size, it is more famous for its rotting meat like scent that attracts insects for their pollination.
  6. Gas plants are the flowers that look pretty, but it secretes a clear gas or strong aromatic vapors on warm nights that can be ignited.
  7. The dandelion flower is the only wildflower that represents 3 celestial bodies of the Sun, the moon, and the stars in the following ways:
  • Yellow flower resembles with the Sun
  • The puffball the moon
  • The dispersing seeds the stars
  1. These dandelion flowers are may be weeds, but its leaves and flowers are very good sources of Calcium, Iron, Potassium, and Vitamin A and C. So keep munching it
  2. Tulip bulbs can easily replace onion in foods. So next time when you don’t have an onion to hand while cooking – use tulip bulb instead of it.
  3. Flowering stones are the clever succulents that are wonderful in mimicry. These ‘’impersonating’’ stones camouflage their selves to avoid being gobbled by thirsty herbivores.
  4. The sweet daisy is the bloom having loads of medicinal properties from easing coughs and easing back pain to relieving indigestion and slowing the bleeding.
  5. The Yarrow flower is also popular for its healing properties. It used to heal the wounds of injured soldiers in World War I. Its fresh petals and leaves provide relief toothache.
  6. Night-Blooming Cereus is so unusual flower that only blooms one night per year and releases one of the heavenly scents of any flower.
  7. The Kadupul flower is the most precious flower in the world. It is priceless and no amount of money could ever buy this rarest blooms. This delicate beauty blooms only for a few hours just before midnight and perishes before dawn.
  8. The Poppy flower has a very impressive history. It started World War I, went along the Silk Road, and still provides solace in time of remembrance.
  9. Orange lilies are the blooms that symbolize disdain, pride, and hatred. Petunia symbolizes anger, and resentment, while monkshood is the beautiful flower that represents hatred and "Be cautious".

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