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January 17, 2020 3 min read

We all love weddings! I mean, who doesn't like to witness eternal love adorned by beautiful sola wood flowers, emotional speeches, and touchy ceremonies? So, it is no surprise that we all feel happy to be invited to a wedding. Sadly, some invitations have to be turned down. There are a lot of reasons to decline wedding invitations. Some of the most common include financial struggles (a gift and a dress can cost quite a lot), conflicting schedules, and other commitments.

We know that it will be hard for you to decline the wedding invitation, especially if you have been listening to all the stories about how the bride plans to decorate the venue with stunning sola wedding flowers, and the groom is writing a killer speech. If missing the wedding is not devastating enough, think about how the couple will feel when you break the news. So, try to be as gentle as possible.

Rethink Your Decision

Give yourself some time to rethink your decisions. Your plans might change, or some opportunities to attend might show up. Even if not, you will feel better that you tried your best.

Be Honest

The couple will understand anything that you throw their way. Of course, it might not be easy to talk about your financial struggles or feelings to your ex, who was also invited to the wedding. However, the last thing you want to do is to lie about your reason to decline the invitation. Eventually, the newlyweds would find out the truth anyway. Needless to say, it would hurt your relationship with them dearly.

Offer to Celebrate After the Official Wedding

If the couple is close to you, make sure to book a date with them after they are back from the honeymoon. Even if you cannot attend the wedding on an official day, you still want to congratulate the couple in person, right? This gesture will let the couple know how much you care about them. Also, assure that you want to see all the photos of sola wedding centerpieces, wooden wedding flowers, other guests, honeymoon, and the official ceremony. Yes, let these boring travel pictures be your punishment for missing the wedding.

Don't Go into the Details

Don't make the whole situation even more awkward by giving away too many details. If you have financial struggles, it is enough to say that much. You don't have to explain yourself by showing your bank statement. Of course, if the couple is close to you, they will probably know your situation and reasoning already. However, it is not the time to burden them with your problems.

Support the Couple in Other Ways

If you cannot attend the ceremony on the wedding day, it doesn't mean that you cannot be a part of the whole thing. You might want to offer a helping hand in shaping sola wood flowers, picking the wedding dress, or deciding on the wedding theme. Of course, that only applies if you are really close to the couple. Also, you can always send a small wedding gift to show that you didn't forget the newlyweds even if you cannot attend their big celebration.

Always remember that you have a right to decline the wedding invitation, and you should not feel guilty about it. Of course, breaking the sad news to the couple is not something you want to do, but if you have to, do it politely yet with confidence.

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