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October 04, 2020 2 min read

You will want to remember your wedding day forever! With everything that is going to happen during your special day, you definitely need someone to document it all. After all, seeing beautiful sola wood wedding flowers in your wedding photos will definitely refresh your memories even after years from the big day. Also, professional wedding photos mean that your kids and grandkids will be able to 'attended' the wedding and see how beautiful you look. However, to make the best out of your wedding photos, you need to know a few things that your photographer might forget to mention.

The Golden Hour

The term 'golden hour' means the best time of the day to take photos. It is considered to be a few hours before the sunset, when the lighting is the best and photos look beautiful, especially if taken somewhere in nature. So, you might want to plan your wedding so that you could spend the golden hour taking wedding photos. Your guests will understand and patiently wait for you and your spouse to show up. So, don't invite your guests to the wedding reception too early. If they show up earlier, don't stress out and do what you have planned. Your guests will wait for you and explore the beautiful venue with all the sola wood wedding flowers.

Take Your Photos Before the Wedding Day

You will have so much to do during your wedding, so you might not have enough energy to take photos. And also, you might look tired after the day of constant stress and attention. To fix this potential problem, more and more couples choose to have their wedding photo session before the actual wedding. Of course, it might sound a little fake at first, but it is actually a great idea. You will save a lot of time to spend with your loved ones instead of working as a model. You will also get a chance to wear your wedding dress, shape your sola wood bridal bouquet, and have some boding experience with your spouse.

Spend Some Private Time with Your Partner

Your wedding day will be hectic. From the moment you wake up, you will be running and trying to follow the tight schedule. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that except the fact that you might get lost in the moment and forget the whole idea behind the wedding. You are getting married and starting a new family with your partner. So, instead of trying to do everything and please everyone, make sure to steal your partner from all the guests and have some private time. That doesn't have to last long. Even 20 minutes could be enough to let everything sink in and restart your energy levels. And by doing that, you will guarantee that you will look happy in your wedding photos. Of course, don't forget to bring your sola wood wedding bouquet everywhere you go, as well. You never know who might be taking photos, so you want to look stunning all the time!

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