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January 13, 2020 2 min read

Since a new decade has started, we wanted to review some wedding trends that have to disappear from the wedding planning scene. Don't worry; we are not touching colorful weddings, sola wood wedding flowers, or after parties. These things have to stay in 2020 and many more years to come. However, here a few trends that have had their time and should slowly disappear without a trace.


We are not saying that fireworks are not beautiful. They are stunning! However, they are also extremely hazardous to the environment. Furthermore, fireworks cause an average of 18,500 fires every year in the US only. So, why not take your photos near adorning greenery, sola wood flowers, or vintage cars instead of playing with fire?

Flower Walls

There are so many more ways to decorate your wedding venue than just putting up a huge flower wall. Of course, if a flower wall is done professionally, it will still look awesome. But have in mind that people are getting tired of this trend. Instead, craft some nice wooden flower centerpieces and bouquets and opt for a minimalistic yet fancy wedding theme. Not only will you impress your guests with something new, but you will also save some money.

Too Many Speeches

We love a good wedding speech! However, these days some weddings start to feel like an open mic for struggling artists. We suggest knowing an exact number of people who are going to give a speech and sticking to it. Otherwise, you might feel awkward once your mother's friend, who you have never seen, stands up to give a toast. Also, try to tell your close family and friends who are going to give speeches to keep it short and lively.

Family-Style Service

It might sound nice and warm to make a family-style dinner service, but in reality, it might not work to your advantage. In fact, most of your guests will prefer to be taken care of, so that they could spend more time getting to know other guests and having fun. Also, a family-style dinner table might mess up your designs and make the whole celebration look informal. Of course, we are not saying that it's bad, but we feel that it would be nice to bring back some formality to the wedding scene in 2020.

Wedding Favors

Many guests will forget their wedding favors at the dinner table, especially if you have an open bar. You might want to get rid of wedding favors and replace them with wedding bags, or even better, spend extra money on the venue, sola wood flowers, or the wedding cake.

Huge Weddings

To be clear, we are only against big weddings when the bride and the groom are throwing them to impress others or follow the trend. Remember that nobody is obliged to organize a huge wedding party. There is nothing wrong with small and cozy weddings with only the closest family and friends.

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