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January 10, 2020 3 min read

If you have planned everything about your wedding from the perfect wedding cake to wooden wedding flowers, it is now time to take care of wedding vows. You will have a few minutes to tell the world how much you love and care for your partner. We know – it is not an easy task. Of course, it is impossible to mention everything in your wedding vows. You will have your whole life for that. However, there are a few things that you should include when writing your wedding vows.

Below, we provide a few tips on how to craft perfect vows. Bear in mind that these are not rules but suggestions. You don't have to follow them if they don't suit your style or character.

Don't Forget to Say "I Love You"

It is probably the only phrase that you MUST include in your wedding vows. Even though the fact that you love your partner sounds pretty self-explanatory, you should still say it out loud. And there is no need to change the style or order of words. Those three simple words will do just fine!

Make Promises

Wedding vows are for making promises and assuring your partner that you will be around through thick and thin. However, remember that you want to make promises that you can keep. Don't use grand words such as always or forever. After all, you don't know what the future holds for you. It would be a shame to make a fool out of yourself, surrounded by sola wood flowers, in front of all the wedding guests.

Don't Be Afraid of Humor

Wedding vows are not a standup material, but you should still try to make your guests laugh (or at least smile). A few light jokes at the beginning are perfect for loosening up the guests and getting their attention. Also, you will feel much more confident once you hear the crowd (and your partner) laughing. Of course, don't make your wedding vows all about jokes. The emotional part in which you demonstrate and describe your love should remain the main priority.

Thank Everyone

If you are religious, thank God for showing you true love and ask for his support in the future. Also, you will see a lot of guests standing not far from you. They are the most important people in your life. Some of them might have even helped you to organize the wedding, decorate the venue, and make wooden wedding bouquets. You need to acknowledge that. Try to not only thank everyone for their help so far but let everyone know that you trust them and will need their support in the future.

Make Your Vows Personal

There are lots of wedding vows templates online if you are looking for inspiration. However, those templates don't know you, your partner, and the complexity of your wedding. If you want your wedding vows to be perfect, try to include some short stories about your partner and the deep connection that you share. Also, when making promises, be as specific as possible. For example, if your partner loves to travel, promise them that you will plan your upcoming trips and travel the world together. Those small details might not sound like too much now, but they will surely make the difference. After all, when you combine a beautifully decorated altar, adorning wooden rose bouquets, eternal love, and thoughtful words, you create the best wedding ceremony that guests will talk about for years!

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