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August 18, 2021 4 min read

Everybody adores fresh flowers. They give color and vitality to your home and beautiful touch to any decor and make the ideal present for someone special or yourself. Whether you cultivate flowers on your own or buy them from a florist, the sad reality is that flower bouquets don't endure forever. However, several methods and suggestions might help them last longer.

Certain flowers endure longer than others by nature. Hyacinths, lilacs, daffodils, ranunculus, and tulips last longer than roses, lilies, freesia, daisies, and sunflowers. These are known for withering in a matter of days.

Here are a few tips for extending the life of your cut flowers by woodflowers.com. Some of these methods you may already know and use, while others may be new to you. In any case, we hope you find them helpful in extending the life of cut flowers:

·       Cheaper homes used things to keep flowers fresh:

There are various ways to keep flowers fresh, some via proper care and others through the use of inexpensive household items that can extend the life of flowers:

  • Soda: Don't squander the last few sips of soda. In a vase full of cut flowers, pour roughly 1/4 cup of water into the vase. Because of the sugar in the soda, the flowers will stay longer. Use a clear drink like Sprite or 7-Up if you have a clear vase and want the water to stay clear.
  • Hair Spray: A spritz of hair spray may keep your cut flowers looking fresh for longer, just like it keeps your haircut fresh. Standing a foot away from the bouquet, spray the undersides of the leaves and petals with a fine mist.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Everyone wants to keep cut flowers for as long as possible, and there are a few practical ways to do it. Before adding the flowers, combine two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of sugar with the vase water. To extend the life of your flowers, replace the water every few days.
  • Vodka: The key to keeping cut flowers looking good for as long as possible is to limit bacteria growth in the water and provide nutrition to replace what the flower would have received if it hadn't been cut. To make the vase water antimicrobial, add a few drops of vodka (or other clear alcohol) and one teaspoon of sugar. Every other day, change the water and replenish the vodka and sugar.

Flower Food:

Add a flower food sachet to your vase of water and give it a quick toss to make sure it's thoroughly dissolved. A mixture of bleach, sugar, and citric acid is used to make flower food. Flower food contains three components that provide the ideal habitat for cut flowers. Take care not to overdo it. If you're creative with your blossoms and splitting them into little bouquets, keep the sachet handy but don't overdo it. The correct dosage for 1 liter of water is contained in the typical sachet.

Here are some more techniques for keeping flowers fresh and long-lasting:

·        Cut the Stems:

Always trim the stems off your flowers before placing them in water if you bought them. If you purchase an arrangement from a professional florist, the flowers should be cut and ready to use within a few days. After a few days, though, it's still necessary to cut the stems. Freshwater will be able to permeate the branch as a result of this. It's also a good idea to change the water every couple of days. Cutting the stems with a sharp instrument ensures a clean cut and avoids crushing the stem, promoting water uptake. Cutting the branches at an angle allows for a wider hole at the base of the stem, which allows for more excellent water absorption and prevents them from laying flat in the vase.

·        Prune extra leaves:

To avoid bacterial development, remove any leaves that have fallen below the waterline. Remove any dead leaves or petals from your flowers regularly. This is particularly essential in mixed bouquets, which may contain many flowers with varying blooming dates.

·        Use water wisely:

It's critical to not just water your bouquet but to do it carefully. Without water, your flowers will perish quickly, especially if the stems have been chopped. Use room temperature water to fill a clean vase and a flower food packet after selecting a vase. Make sure the package has been well combined and that the water is not overly diluted or concentrated. It's also a good idea to clean your vase thoroughly every two to three days and replace the water and flower food.

·        Right size vase:

For your cut flower arrangement to last as long as possible, you'll need the right size vase or container. The stems may seem tight or even crushed if the aperture is too tiny. Remove some of the stems to make a more petite bouquet, or locate an enormous vase to use. On the contrary, if your vase's mouth is comprehensive, your arrangement will lack form and structure.

·        Keep water fresh:

Begin by filling a clean vase with room temperature water. Before putting the flowers in the water, make sure all components, such as flower food, are thoroughly combined and dissolved. Every few days, change the water, clean the vase, and re-trim the stems.

·        Avoid direct sunlight:

In a setting with cool temps, your flowers will survive longer. Avoid putting them near heat or in direct sunlight or near heat sources like home appliances or radiators, as well as direct sunlight on windowsills and draughts from windows or doors. Open windows, heating or cooling vents, and ceiling fans should be avoided since they quickly dry the flowers. Never place a bouquet near fruit. Ripening fruits emit tiny amounts of ethylene gas, which might shorten the life of your fresh arrangement.

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